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About The Tool

Based in Wellington, New Zealand, Litmaps is a cloud-backed scientific research software. It was developed in 2016 by Axton Pitt and Kyle Webster, a phd candidate who faced problem while navigating to the science articles. Being a software developer, Axton decided to create a platform to research and review the literature effectively. The platform uses citation maps, and searching tools boost researchers knowledge. Whether you are an engineer, scientist or a phd student, Litmaps helps in reviewing literature faster.

Why To Choose Litmaps Over Others?

  • AI powered research assistant that is trusted by 350,000 researchers worldwide.
  • Search for the science articles from more than 270 million papers.
  • Provide highly targeted and accurate research for any topic.
  • get an alert when any new papers on your topic come out.
  • Visualize and annotate your articles with just one click.

Three Investment Options

Litmaps offers multiple plans to accommodate the user of any budget and group.

  1. Free is a completely free option. It includes up to 20 inputs, 100 article visulization per map, and no collaboration.
  2. Pro is the most popular subscription. It costs $50 per month. Enjoy unlimited inputs, advanced searches, and unlimited articles visualization. If you are a student or professor looking to join the platform, then it costs $12.5 per month only.
  3. “Team” is available for small to large scale businesses. Get weekly literature alerts. Plus, most advanced search, unlimited inputs, unlimited articles and team wide collaboration.

Pro membership is available in monthly and yearly billing options. If you are a frequent user, go for an annual subscription only. It saves 20% off.

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How many coupon codes do Minemydeal.com have for Litmaps?
As of Friday 14th March, MineMyDeal has in-total 0 available offers for Litmaps - includes codes and special sales.

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With more than 0 usages in last 152 hours, the today's most popular Litmaps's deal is - added to our system nearly 03 days ago.

What is the refund policy of ?
In order to find more about refund guarantee, you need to visit official Litmaps website, as it changes from brand to brand.